100% tote-bag free.

Once considered a radio medium for the crunchy or geriatric, NPR is now at the forefront of innovation in both getting the story and delivering it. It was time to change the narrative in the minds of the younger generation, who will soon be called on to be the lifeblood of the non-profit media organization.
I was thrilled to interview the producers and archivists of every major NPR program to create a mini-site that wove together videos, interviews, photos, behind-the-scenes content, dynamic infographics, and music. The experience offered as much or as little involvement as the user wanted. They could skim the surface or get lost for hours.

We also created targeted mini magazines for reps to use during one-on-one interactions with potential donors, and later launched NPR One, NPR’s first news app.

You can throw a rock in pretty much any direction on and hit a captivating story that gives you a thoughtful, nuanced take on what's happening in the world. But there's one story that still deserves the NPR treatment: our own story. What (and who) drives the storytelling?


Such a multifaceted news organization attracts donors for many reasons. Targeted mini-mags told a variety of inspiring stories.


The launch of NPR One let people get curated news and information anywhere and everywhere.

ADs and Designers: Andrea Gavin and Juana Marlo

Web Design and Production: Upstatement

Creative Director: Max Pfennighaus